Guidelines for Parents
- Parents are to ensure the regular attendance of their children. Rolls are marked daily according to the State Department Regulations.
- As a general rule, students are not permitted to leave the school grounds once they have entered them. If for a very good reason, parents request that their children be permitted to come home for lunch, the request is to be made in writing, signed and dated by the parent, and addressed to the Principal. If a child leaves the school for any reason, the parent must sign their child out at the front office.
- Dental and medical appointments are to be made out of school time, unless travel is a mitigating factor. If this is not possible a note of explanation is required.
- The school takes no responsibility for students who enter the grounds prior to 8.20am or who remain behind after the last bus has departed.
- Parents wishing to take children away for an extended period must inform the Principal of their intention.
- Parents are asked to label all clothing and personal property clearly.
- Swimming lessons and sporting activities are part of the school curriculum; therefore a written explanation from parents is required to absent a child from these lessons.
- It is vital that the Principal is informed of any changes of details that would need to be noted on our records eg telephone number, address, medical history etc.